Jason Isaacs . . . Bad as Ever

(Yes, I've milked this Jason quote for all it's worth, haven't I?)

A lot of people ask, "Why does Jason always play the bad guy?" He doesn't.

He's actually played more 'good guys' than 'bad guys.' See for yourself. - Diane

Spoilers of course . . .

The Bad Guys

Zachary Blaine, Highlander
Lord Felton, Dragonheart
Colonel William Tavington, The Patriot
Lucius Malfoy, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Alain St. Ives, St. Ives
Pat Keegan, Divorcing Jack
Michael 'Mickey' Ryan, Dangerous Lady
Dr. Desmond Collier, Inspector Morse
Eric Barr, Taggart
Dez 2, Loved Up
Evil Scientist, Resident Evil
Tony Kay, The Fix
Colonel Mekum, Soldier
Dave "Percy" Sledge, The Last Minute
Captain James Hook, Peter Pan
DeMarco, Elektra

The Good Guys

D.J., Event Horizon
Ron Quincy, Armageddon
Ranger Captain Mike Steele, Black Hawk Down
Clark Devlin, The Tuxedo
Chaz/Cherry, Sweet November
Harry, Solitaire for 2
Father Luca Tonarini, The Last Don II
Father Richard Smythe, The End of the Affair
Andrew Lehman, Ashenden
John Barr, Taggart
Chas Ewell, Capitol City
Frank Dillon, Civvies
Peter Fraiman, A Relative Stranger
Gavin McKay, Hotel
Major Mellitz, Windtalkers
Doctor #2, The Tall Guy
Sid, Mild and Bitter
George Darling, Peter Pan
Charlie Beck, Passionada
Prince Lajendra, The Heroic Legend of Arislan

Open to Debate

Steve, Shopping

If you think I'm way off base in my assessment, write to me and I'll most likely tell you to 'sod off.' - Diane


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